Something to die for. escrita por Eilonwy

Something to die for.

Working for another hour tonight staring at the wall and let the time just pass me by, you might think you know me, but it's all just a face trying to ignore when people screaming my name. When something's right, then something is worth to die for. When i feel that something is wrong, then something is worth to fight for... Don't say goodbye, just leave an open door. I wanna hear you say, you give me something to die for.

Classificação: 16+
Categorias: Pânico (Scream), Scream
Personagens: Indisponível
Gêneros: Tragédia
Avisos: Nenhum

Capítulos: 3 (5.542 palavras) | Terminada: Não
Publicada: 04/01/2016 às 14:56 | Atualizada: 16/01/2016 às 14:36

Notas da História:

Theme Song:


1. The End's Not Near, It's Here.
1.536 palavras
2. Somebody Mixed my Medicine
1.821 palavras
3. The Hook
2.185 palavras