Foto de CutiePumpkin
ID: 402010
  • 10/12/2013

  • "You're not a shepherd, you're just the sheep. A combined effort of everyone you meet. You're all flesh with no bone, feed them to the sharks, and throw them to the wolves"

    "We all have our horrors and our demons to fight, but how can I win, when I'm paralyzed?"

    "I can help you see the light out of your despair, you tie the rope, I'll kick the fucking chair"

    "You've still got Hell"

    UmaSimplesLeitora mudou seu nome para UmaSimplesOtaku07/01/2014
    UmaSimplesOtaku mudou seu nome para ASimpleWriter18/07/2014
    ASimpleWriter mudou seu nome para CutiePumpkin28/03/2016