The Show Of My Life escrita por Mylla Noir

Capítulo 9
Capítulo 9

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We went back to the party and everyone was having fun, dancing, or eating or singing. The first party I don’t see Tom flirting! HAHAHAHA! There are just three girls here, and the three of us have boyfriends. Poor Tom. He took me for a dance and we danced for a long time before they started sort of a small show. Then Tom asked me something:

-          Are you sure about that?

I knew when he said “that” he was talking about what happened to us earlier.

-          Honey…I-I-I-I…

-          You what, baby?

I slowly let out a heavy sigh and said.

-          Honey…about earlier…No, I’m not sure. But I can’t do this to Adam.

-          Ok sweetie. I get it, but if you change your mind…

-          HAHA! Thanks Tom. I’ll let you know! You’re still my best friend, baby.

-          Yes, honey, I am.

 Most people, who dates and used to be friends stop talking to each other after a break up, this, wouldn’t happen to me and Tom. We still are best friends. That’s just one of the things I like about Tom.

They sang some Paramore’s songs for twinsis, – twinsis’ favorite band is Paramore – some of them, some from Britney Spears, – this one was VERY funny! Can you picture Tokio Hotel singing Britney Spears?? I couldn’t! – some Aerosmith and German rock songs. It was great. We sang together most of the songs. It was getting late and we started to clean up the mess. We entered the house, played “Clue” and “Monopoly”. Then we watched some movies and I made popcorn, later on we all went to the same bedroom. The Kaulitz’s bedroom was pretty big so we had no problems with space. Georg and Samantha would sleep there, so they just improvised a bed on the floor with their mattress. Twinsis and I did the same thing. We had such a cool time! If you’re wondering if we slept any time the answer is: No! We haven’t slept the whole night; we ate some junk food, watched cartoons and told stories. I was telling them about the stupid things we did at school when Tom asked:

-          What’s “THE LIST”??

-          THE LIST is a list of things we’ll do someday. We started it when we were at 9th grade or 10th … I can’t really remember…Sis?

-          It was 10th grade sis, remember? Physics class?

-          Oh! Right!! 10th grade…we were supposed to be studying the review for a test, right?

-          Yep! =)

-          Well, we started to list things we should do. There are over 70 things on that list.

-          What kind of things do you list?

-          You know, robber a bank, be searched by a HOT cop, meet Daniel Radcliffe/ Rupert Grint/ Emma Watson, check out a “ninja’s sward”…HAHAHAHAHA!!

-          HAHAHAHAHAHA! Twin, you’re forgetting what already happened to both of us…

-          OH YEAH…

Then we both said together:

-          Philip!

-          HAHAHAHAHA!!!

The guys were like: “WTF?”

-          Sorry guys, it’s kind of a private had to hear the entire story to understand it, and its loooooooooooooong!

-          What else do we have on the list?

-          I can’t even remember!! It’s so many things!! Oh! There’s the phrases’ list too!

-          GOSH! You two make lots of lists! What’s on that list?

-          Phrases we end up saying in awkward moments most of the time…

-          Like?

-          Like…”IT’S PINK AND IT HAS GLITTER!” or “The 1st amnesia we never forget” or “Ummm…but its soo big!” or “I am 16 and I’m still a stupid teen” or “I could eat the white, but…”

-          OK OK! I got it!

-          HAHAHA! Are you embarrassed Tom?

He got blushed!

-          HAHA! It’s the first time I see Tom blushing!

-          Me too, sis! We have to show him the rest of the list!

-          NO THANKS!

-          HAHAHAHAHAHA!

-          HAHAHAHAHAHA!

-          Mylla, liebe. Have you been to our show in Brazil?

-          No I haven’t…

-          You guys can’t believe how she went to school that day. She couldn’t stop crying!

-          My mom, didn’t allow me to go to your show, because I didn’t know anyone in the city you went.

-          Why?

-          Well, besides the concert ticket, she would have to pay for airplane tickets…

-          Oh…you lived in another city.

-          Yes, I did. I was sort of counting on my father to give me the money.

-          What did you do?

I just smiled back and the twinsis explained to the guys what I did.

-          You all know she run away to see you guys here, right? Well, she would do the same thing in Brazil, but it didn’t work out very well.

-          MYLLA! AGAIN!

-          Hey! I do crazy things for people I love!

-          But you haven’t met us yet.

-          I know that liebe. But it doesn’t mean I didn’t love you already. You really don’t get your fans, do you?

-          Anyways, she called her father and told him she needed a new cell phone because hers was broken. She had already done the math and she would need about 300 dollars.

-          Wait, would you stay in a hotel, right?

-          Of course I would NOT! You know, real fans sleep in the line to watch their favorite band!

-          Are you out of your mind? In the line with people you don’t know! And how would you get there?

-          I didn’t have the money to pay for a hotel, and I would catch a cab and tell him to go where the show would be…

-          You know what honey? You’re freaking unbelievable!

-          Ohh…and she would go some days before your show because she wanted to see Mathew Lewis. He was there the same week you guys did the show.

-          That’s why I got even devastated. Mathew Lewis is the guy who played Neville Longbotom in Harry Potter’s movies.

-          Well, her father couldn’t give her the money before November 20th so she couldn’t make it.

-          Yeah…he just would have the money to the next month. I let it go. But men, I got sad that day!

-          I know twin. Hey, sis, calm down…it turned out to be good. You’re here with them today.

She said that ‘cause I was holding a tear. Every time I talk about this it makes me wanna cry.

-          Yeah, honey. You’re with us now, literally. Don’t you ever do that to me, or us, or your mother again!

-          Yeah, if there’s a place you’d like to go, tell us and we’ll go with you!

-          Ok guys. I’ll let you know.

-          Hey, wait. Yasmim…are you also from Brazil?

-          Yeah, actually. I was the only one who was moving out, but I didn’t want to go without my sis. We would be a year apart until she turned 18 so she could come here and stay with me.

-          But isn’t Mylla older than you?

-          Yes honey, I am. But twin’s parents were cool with her moving to another country. She has family here. Next year when she turns 18, we’ll move in together.

-          How did you ended up here?

-          How? I was talking about that to my mother, coming with twin, alone. She freaked out, like I was crazy for asking her that. But it turns out she already knew the first opportunity to get out of Brazil I’d hold it and I’d be 18, so she wouldn’t be able to stop me. She just said: “If you’re going, I am going, too”. Then, we are here.

-          You wanted to come here just because of Yasmim?

Twin gave him a big smile like who says: “Of course she came, I’m perfect, and I’m a Diva!”

-          No, honey. We made a pact. The first one to leave the country would take the other one. And I’m a Diva, too!

-          Sure sis…We are perfect!

-          Hey, nobody is perfect!!



-          What have I said??

-          It’s because back then, when we were with our friends in Brazil we used to say that we were nobody.

-          WHAT?

-          If you read Percy Jackson’s books, you’ll understand!

-          And like we ARE nobody, and nobody is perfect we are Perfect!

-          Still don’t get it…

-          Sure you don’t! ¬¬’

-          TWIN! Don’t say that…I know deep down you like him too!

-          Yeah, veeery deep inside!

I rolled my eyes to her and said:

-          I love you baby.

-          Me too hon.

Bill gave me a sad look and then I said:

-          Love you too liebe! Love you all…After all my Goddess is the Goddess of Love. Aphrodite.

-          WTF?

-          Honey, I love you. You know that. But mythology isn’t your strongest point.

-          Tom, Aphrodite is one of the 12th most powerful Gods of mythology. Am I right?

-          Yes liebe. You are! Like my English teacher would say “One point for you!”.

Then I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and draw a point for Bill. Everybody laughed after that.

-          Oh, once I showed a Bill’s photo to Laura that said “Nobody wants me” in the subtitles. I said “I want you” – Bill gave a big smile to me when I said that – then Laura said “Of course you want him. You are nobody!”.

-          It makes sense twin.

-          I know that!

-          Witch photo is that?

-          Do you remember when you had those lamps in your hair? Well, in the middle of an interview you did a kind of a sad face and someone wrote “Nobody Wants Me”…I think I still have in my computer, let me see…

I took my computer turned it on and searched in my Tokio Hotel file.

-          I found it! Look! It’s so cute!

Then we all started laughing again.

-          What else you got here? Gosh! There are many photos of Bill!

-          There are plenty of you too Tom! Would you like to see my favorite photo of you Tom?

-          Yes…I want!

I showed him a photo he was shirtless and H-O-T! And another one you could see his arms! *-*

 -          This is my favorite one!

-          Yeah, I am hot!

-          HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! True, honey, true.

-          What’s your favorite photo of me?

-          One of my favorites of you, Bill, is one of my newest ones. You were in Russia and the camera is very close to your arm! I love that one. You were working out, weren’t you?

-          Yes, XD!

-          But I also have the one I like less!

-          Oh! = (…You do liebe?

-          Yes, I do!

-          What’s that?

-          The one you’re hugging a girl. Your ex-girlfriend!

-          Oh! Don’t be like that! I can hug you too!

He gave a strong hug. OMG! His arms…*-*!!

-          My Gustav’s favorite photo is the one he is playing with a ball. So cute!

-          I know I’m lovely!

-          You’re hanging out too much with Tom!

-          No, I’m not. He’s with you A-L-L  T-H-E  T-I-M-E  now!

-          =P…

-          And what about your favorite photo of me?

-          Georg, I don’t think this is a good idea…

I looked to Sam, but she was messing around with us.

-          Go ahead Mylla…It’s fine, really!

-          Ok…here it is.

I showed them my favorite Georg’s picture. He was hot in that one! *-*

-          Can I be honest with you?

-          Sure!

-          Ge, you are HOT here…Sorry Sam…

She gave me a look, like any girl would do if you said her boyfriend is hot.

-          No problem, Mylla. It’s true!

She gave him THE kiss! And he kissed her back. They started to kiss each other even more. OMG! I was blushing hard. I was like a tomato! Tom hugged me and told me to close my eyes. HAHAHAHA…All I heard was Gustav saying:

-          Hey! If you two want go into second base or farther go to the next room!!

They stopped kissing and whispered a “Sorry” and everybody started laughing at me!

-          Hey Mylla…It looks like you have never done this before!

-          The kissing part, yes…It happens a lot…


Tom gave me a “talk to you later” kind of look. But then Sam asked:

-          Wait! You had never…??

I got even blushed if that’s possible.

-          No, I’ve never done it before. It’s not that thing about “I have to find the right guy”, I just don’t feel ready... – However it felt like I was ready when I was with Tom – .

-          That’s ok honey. Just be careful when you feel ready ok?

He looked at me like just now he understood why I said no to him.

-          But what about the other twin? Are you two virgin?

I blushed again! I was in Tom’s lap, lying down. Twin looked at me, and I said a “You can trust them” silently. We were pretty close to say things just with a look. We knew the other would understand.

-          Well, here’s what happened.

When she said that, I fell asleep.

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Notas finais do capítulo

Desculpa a demora p postar..mas tava ocupada, semana de provas. Vo ver se consigo agilizar as coisas por aqui...bjins*

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