The Show Of My Life escrita por Mylla Noir

Capítulo 8
Capítulo 8

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

-          Hey, may I sit here?

I smiled and rolled my eyes to him.

-          Sure you can!

-          So, why aren’t you in bed? You said you’d be coming soon.

-          Sorry, I know that, but I got lost thinking. Did you get some sleep?

-          Yes, I tried to wait for you but I think I slept. I just woke up.

-          Hum, I didn’t want to sleep.

-          It’s almost morning…

-          Yeah…I think I’ll watch the sunrise and then I’ll get some sleep.

-          Good. I’ll watch it with you, so. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to see it with me, but you know…it might sound….

-          Yeah, sweetheart. I know.

We sat on the sand and talked a little. Tom was telling me some funny things that happened to them before me. It was fun! They’ve been through a lot. Specially Tom and his “dates”.

I was almost sleeping on his shoulders so I got up to take a walk and he came with me. I still was with my bath suit and Tom just took off his shirt.


He kept telling me stories and we were walking by the water’s side. It still was very dark but we knew the sun would come soon. Suddenly he split some water on me and we started a “water war”. We were laughing a lot when we came out of the water; I was all wet and also did him. I started running ‘cuz he was still trying to hit me with water but then I fell. This is so me! He was very close so he fell on me. We were still laughing about everything when the sun raised – He was still on me – I think the sun came exactly the same time I fell. We looked at the sun and then he looked at me again and we kissed. Oh My Goodness!!  It was great! He knows what to do with his lips. And I liked it! OMG!! I HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND I’M KISSING ANOTHER GUY!! I WAS KISSING HIM BACK!! OMG!OMG!OMG!

We were kissing for a long time, now. He knows how to catch a girl. He knows what to do. I felt something getting hard down there!...OMG! No! This can’t happen!! But he was already trying to take off his shorts and my bath suit. It felt good, I have to admit! He kissed me everywhere I let him, mouth, neck, shoulders and lower. I had his hands all over my body. I was kissing him back every time I could, but then when I felt something I realized we shouldn’t do that. He wanted – I can’t deny I wanted it too – but I couldn’t do it. I HAVE A BOYFRIEND FOR GOD’S SICK! I CAN’T DO THAT. I won’t do that. Not today.

-          Tom…

-          Yeah…?

-          We…hmmm…we can’t…mm…

-          Sure we can…let me just…

He kissed me again...OMG! I was liking the whole situation! I kissed him back. AGAIN!

-          Tom!... Seriously. I can’t!...

I was almost crying when I said that. He kissed me one more time, sat by my side and helped me to get up.

-          Hey, honey! Don’t cry please!! If you don’t want to do it. We won’t do it.

He bites his lips like he always does and dries a single tear coming down on my face.

-          Tom, please…I have a boyfriend. I can’t do this to him. I wouldn’t like him to do that to me.

-          Are you sure about that? I mean…I can do it all over again…

I gave him a smile and dried the following tears. He put his arms around me and gave me the towel I had with me when I was sat with them the night before. Then I whispered:

-          Thank you, honey! Thank you very much.

-          You’re welcome sweetie. And remember, I’ll always be here for you.

He gave me another kiss. A hot kiss. Like just your boyfriend would give you. It didn’t matter. He was my best friend. And I liked it. Am I a whore because of that? Hope not. We walked to the house together. I needed a bed!! But before, I had to do their breakfast.

-          Are you hungry?

Tom gave me a dirty look. OMG! ¬¬’…

-          I mean, food hungry?

-          Sure honey! What were you thinking?

He gave me a smile and I started doing some pancakes, juice and scrambled eggs. Guess who was the first one to show up? If you said GUSTAV you’re right!

-          This smells good!

-          Here is your plate dear.

-          *-*!

I gave him a smile and a kiss on the head like you do with babies.

-          Here honey. Have yours.

-          Thanks baby. It’s delicious!

-          U-HUH!!

That’s all Gust could said because he had his mouth full of food. I took something to eat before go to bed and sleep. I wasn’t hungry. I spent all night drinking. I went to the bathroom to take a bath and change clothes. I got ready and went downstairs to wash the dishes. But the guys were already doing it.

-          Thank you guys!

-          You’re welcome!

-          Hey, if you don’t mind I’ll rest a little bit.

-          Sure honey. Go there.

-          Wait…haven’t you slept all night?

-          Nope…I was drinking outside…

Gustav gave me a bad look like Bill does when I’m drinking too much.

-          Could you wake me up by the lunch time?

-          Sure sweetie. You can take my bed if you want.

-          Thank you again Tom.

-          XD!

I went upstairs and Bill was already coming to eat.

-          Hey liebe! Good morning!!

-          Hey love…good night! XD

-          What?

-          Yeah…I’m going to take a nap…

-          What?! You haven’t come to bed last night, have you?

I gave him a sorry look and said:

-          No, I haven’t.

-          Drinking again?

-          Energetic.

-          Yeah…I know.

He gave me a kiss – on the head – and told me good night, I told him to take something to eat and wake me up by the lunch time, just in case Tom forgets.

I can’t believe I am finally going to bed! I can’t forget to talk to twinsis…I slept so deep, that I had no dreams. I think twinsis woke up before me, because when I woke up – several hours later – she wasn’t there anymore. I took a shower and changed my clothes. I looked to the watch on the wall and it was 4 p.m. I told them to wake me up at lunch time!!

-          Why haven’t you waken me up?

-          Sorry honey, but you got through the night. And you look like an angel when you’re sleeping.

-          Just asleep right?

-          HAHAHA…not funny twin!

-          Who’s hungry? I am!!

-          Me too dear!

-          I know that Gust! Anybody else?

Everybody raised their hands. Tom told me he tried to do something but it didn’t go so well. I gave him my best smile and tried to teach him something. I made a snack and everybody ate, we rented some movies to watch together and later on we would do a private party. Georg told us we could take our bedroom back but nobody wanted. Why that so? Georg and Sam. Alone. In the same room. Thanks! You can keep the room. It was dark outside when we watched all the movies we rented. Tom got the speakers boxes to play the music. Bill helped me with the food. Twinsis decorated what she could with Sam, Georg got the instruments and Gustav the ice cooler.

-          Twin, need to talk to you.

You know, besides Tom. Twinsis is like my personal diary. Some people write about what happen to them. I tell my best friend.

There’s been a long time I don’t talk to twinsis. I mean, just the two of us.

-          I need to talk to you too. It’s EXTRA important!!

-          Let’s go then! I’ll be right back guys…

We went away from the party to talk privately. We started talking about random things – boys – like we always do. The she said:

-          Twin, remember Brad, right?

-          HUMMMMMM…SURE I DO!!

-          Well…we were making out aannd…we did IT!

-          OMG! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!

-          YEAH!!!

-          ANNND????????

-          TWIN! IT WAS GOOD!! Sis!! Those arms!! *-*

Here is the thing, Brad is hot. I mean, very hot. He is ALMOST a 10! And when I say almost it’s because it is pretty close. Brad is athletic, tended, his eyes are dark brown but the shape of it it’s like an Asian’s eyes, he has a beautiful smile, his hair is all messed up and it gives him some charm, its light brown and it fits him. He is not a jerk like the most of the guys. Yeah, he works out and he is H-O-T!

-          OMG! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Are you two together?

-          I don’t know…

-          Wait! When did this happen?

-          Do you remember the guys’ party, and you calling me because I wasn’t in the house yet?

-          Yeah, I do. But you said you couldn’t remember the guy’s name…

-          I didn’t want to say in front of the guys…

-          How did you and Brad meet at the party?

-          He called me. I texted you, haven’t you got the message?

-          Wait…

I checked my phone but I had no messages.

-          I think it wasn’t able to send. But whatever. IT HAPPENED!!!

-          And it was good for you??

-          ABSOLUTELY!!

-          AHAHAHAHAHA!! TWIN!! YAY! Now you can check one less thing to do from “THE LIST”.

“The List” is a list of things we have that you must do in your life, losing the “Great V” (V=virgin) before you get married is one of them.

-          Yeah…I know that. And you??

-          Where do I begin?

-          From the beginning…

-          Alright…let me see…I’m still virgin.

-          AWWNN…=(

-          But…

-          WHAT? THERE’S A BUT????

-          But yesterday…it almost happened…

-          WHAT!!!!!?!!!!!Tom?

-          Yeah…


-          Well, I haven’t gone to bed and I spent all the night here, outside. Tom came when the sun was about to rise we talked a little, walked around the beach but then we started a sort of a “water war” I fell, he was too close and he fell on me. We kissed…


-          Let me finish! We kissed…he knows what to do with his lips…yeah, I liked it very much! And then he was kissing me lower and lower and when I realized he was trying to take his shorts off and I felt something in “downstairs area”, but I said no…

-          YOU WHAT?

-          I said no!! I have a boyfriend twin, you know that!!

-          Yeah I do…but…didn’t you want it?

-          Yes, I did. A lot. OMG! I feel so guilty…but not guilty at the same time!

-          You what?

-          I feel guilty for Adam but I don’t regret it you know?

-          Mylla, do you like Tom?

-          Of course I do!!

-          No, I mean, you love him??

I shushed my mouth. I didn’t know the answer, I wanted to say no but something didn’t allow me to say that. I said nothing.

-          OH MY GOD!!!

-          HEY! I NEVER SAID YES!

-          AND NEVER SAID NO!!

-          TWIN!! WHAT DO I DO??

-          Have no idea!! How it felt like?

-          Good twin. Good. OMG WHAT AM I SAYING?




-          Oh YEAH…Haven’t told you that…it happened before Tom’s thing…

-          What?

-          He tried to kiss me. More than once.

-          OMG! The two Kaulitz are in love with you. And you have a boyfriend. And you love Bill. And you don’t know about Tom. And there’s Adam. HAHA!! You know twin, you could write a book. It’d a best seller!!

-          Yeah, that’s pretty much it...What will you do about Adam?

-          I don’t think I’ll tell him. I know it’s wrong, but…I don’t know…

-          Tom?

-          Already talked to him…

-          Bill?

-          I DON’T KNOW!!

-          Ok, calm down… We’ll figure something out.

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