The Show Of My Life escrita por Mylla Noir

Capítulo 6
Capítulo 6

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desculpa a demora p postar...tava sem tempo de escrever..tomara q gstem! Bjs...

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Cap. 6

We had to go in separated cars, ‘cuz just one car couldn’t handle seven of us – Tom, Bill, Gustav, Georg, Georg’s girlfriend, twinsis and me. – I was in the car with the G’s and Sam (Georg’s girlfriend) and twinsis was in the car with the twins. I wanted to go with the G’s because I almost never talked to them!

-          So guys, what do you think about go bowling sometime or paintball?

-          Sure! It’ll be fun! And…do you think it’s a good idea leave Yasmim in a car with Tom? I mean, they are…hum, TOO different opinions about tons of things, including you…

-          I don’t care! They are my bests friends! They have to get along…but no, I don’t think it was a good idea…

Twinsis likes him, I know that. Of course it’s just because he is hot, but still. Don’t get her wrong it’s just that sometimes Tom can be really overprotective – when he wants to be, ‘cuz between us, Tom is not the kind of guy who…well, he is a womanizer, he hooks up with E-V-E-R-Y GIRL  and he doesn’t feel bad about it later, he is not the loving kind – and she doesn’t like that attitude!

Twinsis doesn’t like Tokio Hotel as much as I do but she tries, for me… - she loves me, I know that! - . She likes Gustav; they have a lot in common. The thing between Tom and twinsis is that they have almost the same personality, so they have to disagree with each other all the time…

-          Tom was mad ‘cuz you wanted to come with us…

-          Yeah I know, Bill just texted me saying that Tom is asking why I did that and he is blaming Adam…

What Adam did??

-          Told him when we stop at the airport I’ll sit by his side!

-          HAHAHAHA! Sometimes, Tom acts like a baby when he doesn’t get what he wants.

-          No, he doesn’t! He just gets mad…

-          Ok ok…he already made your head…

-          HEY!

Everybody laughed after that…

Sam was so nice…We had a lot in common, she told me so many things I didn’t know about the guys. Georg was blushing because the most of the stories was about him. She told me that one day she took him to meet her parents and he had a laugh attack and he went home still laughing because of a joke someone was telling…


-          WHATTHEHELL?!

-          HAHAHAH…It was funny!

-          See?

-          OMG! Georg stop it! You’re driving!

-          HAHA…OK…HAHA, I’ll try………..

5 seconds later…


-          What’s the joke about?

-          HAHAHAHAHA…It’s…HAHAHA…like that…HAHAHA:

A: Doctor, will I be able to…HAHAHA…play the piano after the operation? HA…
B: Yes, of course.
A: Great! I never could before! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

-         That’s it?


-         It isn’t funny!


-         Ok, HAHA – sarcastic “HAHA” – very funny…¬¬’

-         Told you?

-         Gustav? Are you laughing?

-         YE…HAHAHAHAHA!

-         OMG! These boys…¬¬’

We were running out of gas, so the G’s had to stop in a gas station. I called Bill to tell them to stop. Their house was far from the city, according to them, you can find REALLY crazy fans in the city…- I know that! XD! –.

-          What’s wrong, guys?

-          We’re out of gas.

-          I’ll buy something to eat…

I went in the convenience store and bought snacks for everybody, of course I bought some more things to Gustav, he is always hungry. I came back and split what I bought. I bought for me a “Heineken” and I received a mad look from Tom and Bill, I know it’s early but I am thirsty!

-          Hey baby, don’t you wanna come with us now?

I looked to the G’s and they said it was ok…

-          Sure honey, let’s go…twin are you…?

-          I’m going with the G’s..GOSH! Tom is annoying!

-          HEY! You are...

Bill told me they were teasing each other all the ride…Yeah, maybe Tom and twin act like babies sometimes.

We got in the car and Tom said:

-          The next time we need her to come with us, she’ll go with the G’s!

-          Ok baby…Whatever you want!

-          So, how was your ride?

-          It was great…Sam was telling me some stories about you guys. The G’s couldn’t stop laughing because of a stupid joke Georg heard the first time he met Sam’s parents.

-          Oh, that joke…I thought we were the only ones who thought that joke stupid..¬¬’

-          We’ll go bowling when we come back…XD

-          Can we go?

-          NO!

Tom gave me a sad look…

-          I’m kidding honey…of course you can go!

I gave him a kiss and Bill asked me the same question I just looked at him rolling my eyes and gave him a kiss too. I love these boys!

-          Could you turn on the radio?

Bill pressed the bottom and a CD of Britney Spears started playing. VEEERY old CD.

-          HAHAHA! Really Tom? Britney?

-          Hey, I like to hear her songs sometimes…

Bill changed to the radio channels. It was playing “Fucking Perfect” by Pink.

-          I love this song!

The guys started singing with me…XD! It was great! Tom has a pretty good voice. I was the only one who sucked singing…The radio played some pretty good songs and then someone called asking for “Übers Ende Der Welt”. I love Tokio Hotel’s songs in German, but it’s not something I can follow, so I rather the English ones. Bill started singing and Tom started hitting things in the car in the song’s rhythm. Bill gave me a smile, he knew about my German problem…;-D.

After some minutes we got in the airport. We had to stop for some minutes so the guys could gave some fans an autograph. I went to the plane with Sam, there are no photos of her and Georg in the internet because it’s dangerous. There are really some crazy fans. I usually just curse when I see the guys with some girl, but it’s because I’m getting green of jealousy inside. Of course some of them are just whores but they always get rid of that ones. We went to the plane and pretended we have never seen the guys in our lives.

About 30 minutes later the boys were in the plane. I was with my headphones on and sleeping. I just had 3 hours of sleep at home, I still needed some more!

I was between Bill and Tom. I can’t be in the first sit ‘cuz I get sick because of the plane’s food smell. I love sitting by the windows side, but for some reason I don’t know why, I sat in the second chair.

A couple of hours later I woke up. And I was hungry, I caught some food from my backpack and ate. It was delicious! Bill and Tom were sleeping, Georg was with his girlfriend and Gustav was sitting next to twin who was reading. I can bet Gustav was eating.

Gosh! Can you believe that? Me in a plane with the Tokio Hotel guys going to an island to celebrate the twins’ birthday? I was still smiling when Bill woke up.

-          You know you get so beautiful when you smile?

I gave him a biggest smile and he winked at me.

-          Are you hungry?

-          Yes, starving actually.

-          Here, take this.

-          Chips! I love it!

-          I know, I saw a box with Chip’s bags in your house.

-          XD! We are almost there.

-          Good…

-          Why were you smiling?

I blushed before I answer that. One thing is to think; another is telling one of the Tokio Hotel boys you were thinking about your life with them. I don’t know, I just think it’d sound silly.

-          I was thinking.

-          About?

-          About everything…I mean, I am in a plane with my favorite band sitting between the Kaulitz twins heading to an island. I have a room at their house, and I am pretty close with them! Can you believe that all this happened in just seven months?

-          Yeah, it was a surprise for each one of us. We thought it was just a phase and you would get mad at Tom and leave us. But look at us now! We have a new member!!

-          HAHAHAHA! I can still get mad at Tom…but I’ll never leave you!

He grabbed my chin and he was getting closer and closer…And I gave him a kiss on his hand and put my head on his shoulders. He passed his arms around me and sang me a song.

God! What’s going on here? Are we close?

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