The Show Of My Life escrita por Mylla Noir

Capítulo 5
Capítulo 5

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

-          OMG, sweetheart! You’re fucking pretty!! And look at you, Yasmim! You’re prettier than me if that’s possible!

-          HAHAHA

-          Shut up and let’s go, Tom!

-          Wait! Mylla is turning 18 soon, right? And Yasmim will turn 17, am I right? HAHAHA! That means no alcohol for you Yasmim!

-          Tom! C’mon, as soon as you meet a chick there you won’t see me drinking anyways! This is nothing I haven’t done before!! So, c’mon Tom, please!

-          Ok, but don’t abuse it! You too honey! Who will go with whom?

-          I’ll go with my girlfriend.


Everybody laughed when Tom said that. See? Funny!

-          I’ll go with my honey, here!

-          Tom, baby. I don’t think this is a good idea.

-          Why? Don’t you wanna come with me?

-          It’s not that honey! You know you won’t come back, at least with me! It’s you and Bill’s birthday party, you two have to enjoy it! And when you find someone there you’ll want to “speak” privately with her…

-          Yeah, true. What do we do?

-          Nothing! We’ll all go together, you guys enjoy your party, I’ll have some fun and we meet at home.

-          She’s right Tom. And beautiful too!

-          Thanks Georg!

-          By the way, don’t you think your shorts are too short?

-          No I don’t think so! – That’s why it’s called SHORTS! - .

Why does everybody talk about my shorts? I like them!

-          Where’s Gustav?

-          I don’t know…Wait! Found him. He is in the…

-          KITCHEN!




-          Again Gustav?!

-          Hey guys, let him eat! We can wait a little longer.

-          Thanks God someone understands me!! Thanks you, dear, but I’m done. Let’s go?

-          Sure!

-          FINALLY!!

OMG! The party was awesome!! We got there and everybody sang happy birthday for the twins. I danced a lot with the guys – I met Georg’s girlfriend, she’s awesome! – even with Ge…His girlfriend it’s not that jealous! And danced with other guys I met there…just danced, sometimes have a boyfriend sucks! Tom gave me a drink and we danced a little. As we all expected Tom found a girl and started flirting with her.

-          Where is twinsis?? Ok, found her. I think I’ll get a punch in the face if I go talk to her now.

I went to the bar and asked for a Martini, I sat with Bill and Gustav to talk and Bill said:

-          Don’t you think you’re drinking too much?

-          Am I? I have no idea!

-          Yes, liebe. You are.

-          Please, Bill…It’s not every day I can drink!

-          And it’s not because you’re here with us you’ll drink as much as you want!

-          Awwn…just one more, ok?

Bill went to the bar and came back with energetic drinks and a bottle of “Heineken”. Really? Energetic drinks?!?

-          Here you go. Your last alcoholic drinks for the night.

-          Thanks, liebe!

I don’t think Bill was enjoying his party as much as Tom was. It was 3 a.m. when I decided to go home

-          Hey guys, I’m leaving now…I’m tired – and can’t make out with anyone else – and we have a travel to go by the morning, I need some sleep. Bye guys. Enjoy the rest of the night!

-          Are you leaving already?

-          Yes, dear. I’ll take a shower and get some sleep. I’m tired – and a little drunk too! - .

-          Bye, Mylla.

-          Bye dear!

I went to Tom to say goodbye, he was busy, but I went to him anyways.

-          Honey. I’m sorry to interrupt, but I’m leaving. Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy!

I gave him a kiss and said “see you at home”, and the girl looked at me like I was the bitch! I just ignored her and left. Twinsis was still busy, so I texted her to tell that I was leaving. When I got outside the club I saw Bill next to me.

-          Do you mind if I go with you?

-          No, I don’t. But it’s early and you should be here at YOUR party.

-          But you drank! And it wasn’t a little!

-          Don’t worry liebe! I’ll get a cab.

-          No, you won’t. I’m going home with you too, like you said, we are taking a plane tomorrow. You know, Tom is right…


-          Sometimes you can be really annoying with this thing you have about don’t bother us.

-          But you are my friends and except twinsis, I don’t like abusing my friends!

-          Let’s go liebe, I’m going with you. My car is right there…

-          Have you told the guys you’re leaving?

-          Yes, and I think they are drunk, too.

-          Why??

What? “Too”?? I am not drunk!!

*Bill’s flashback on*

-          Hey guys, I’m leaving too ok?

-          What? Already? Why?

-          Mylla is going and I don’t want to leave her alone in her first night in our house. And she is drunk, look at her!!

Mylla was dancing crazy with a drink in her hand and a guy she just met. ¬¬’. And she looks like she is liking!! What about her boyfriend?! Oh, the “boyfriend”…¬¬’

-          Uhum…yeah, you and Mylla? Alone? In the house? With hers new surprise? What would Tom say about that Bill?

-          SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU PERV! I’m leaving, bye!


-          SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!

*Bill’s flashback off*

-          You should stay. I’ll be fine…

-          Do you at least know where are you going to sleep?

-          Sure I know! On the couch!! I have the sheets in my backpack…

-          WHAT?! Not at all!! Liebe, we have a guest’s room that we turned into a special room for you.

-          YOU DID WHAT?! WHY?

-          Like you’re always there, we thought it would be cool if you had your own space, so we wanted to make you a surprise. You’re one of us now liebe!

When he said that I couldn’t take it! I gave him a kiss – on the cheeks – and a hug. I had tears on my face when he hugged me back.

-          Thank you, honey!

-          You’re welcome liebe. Now let’s go, I wanna show you your new room!

We walked to his car. I almost fell, I was – a little – drunk and in high heels, fortunately, Bill got me before I get to the floor.

-          Told you to stop drinking, didn’t I?

-          Sorry, but this shoes are killing me! Don’t blame it on the alcohol!!

-          Why haven’t you taken it off?

-          Hey, a girl has to stand the pain if they want to look pretty!

-          Liebe! You’re always pretty! You don’t need that! C’mon, let me help you.

We got in the car and Bill helped me to take my shoes off.

-          Ohhh! Much better. Thanks sweetie!

-          You’re welcome! ;D. Who was that guy with you at the party?

-          Someone I met, I can’t remember his name. He said he would ask my number if he didn’t saw me coming in with Tom. Whatever, he wouldn’t get it anyways – but he got my e-mail address… ;-) - . And you honey? How was your night? Haven’t seen you with anyone. Georg was with his girlfriend, Gustav was talking to other people, but what were you doing this whole time?

-          Keeping an eye on you, having a few drinks, chatting casually…

-          …And?

-          Well, there was this girl. Tom’s  friend who came to talk to me…

*Bill’s flashback on*

-          Hey, Bill. Happy Birthday!!

-          Thanks…?

-          I’m Nikki, Tom’s friend. Wonderful party. Where’s Tom, by the way?

-          “Chatting” with a girl, probably.

We talked about some random things we had in common. Then she started to talk about us, like we were a couple.

-          What do you think about we going out tomorrow for lunch or dinner to talk a little more…

-          Yeah, maybe…

-          Maybe? What do you mean with MAYBE? Thought WE …

-          HEY! Slow down!! There is no “WE” I just met you!

-          You know what you’re ja…Forget it! I won’t date another Kaulitz!!

*Bill’s flashback off*

-          That girl was crazy! What’s her problem?!

-          Oh, this remind me something. Where were you when I was talking to the crazy chick?

-          Hmmm… I don’t know, I guess I went to the bathroom…

*Mylla’s flashback on*

-          Sooo, what do you think about me kissing you right now?

-          HAHAHAHAHA! You see Bill right there? And Gustav by his side? I don’t think this will happen here. Tom would tell my mother and I would go back on punishment!

-          Come with me…

-          Oh, I wish I could…

-          Meet me there, ok?

-          I can’t! I have a boyfriend!

-          And where is he?

-          I left him home!

-          HAHAHA! I wouldn’t let my fucking pretty girlfriend go to a party with four VERY popular guys where she would meet more guys…

-          He doesn’t know I hang out with the guys…and a boyfriend won’t EVER tell me what I can or can’t do!

-          Ok, here’s my number. Call me when you’re single!

-          Ok…

OMG! HE WAS HOT!! A 9.7 I GUESS!!HE IS SOOO HOT! OMG²! I’m not calling him, because I’m mean, but I’ll leave him waiting…hahahaha.

*Mylla’s flashback off*

On the way to go home I’ve put one of my headphones and turned my phone’s music player on.

-          What are you listening to liebe?

-          Phantomrider.

-          Why are you listening it on the phone if you can hear it at live?

-          ‘Cuz it’s your birth…

Before I finish my sentence he started singing, after some minutes I said:

-          Thank you liebe. You have a great voice!

-          “Now I’m here, no more fears. Angel don’t you cry I’ll meet you on the other side… GOODBYE! Into the light, like a phantomrider, I’m dying tonight! So dark and cold, I drive alone, like a phantomrider, can’t make it all on my own. HEEY! I’m here with you, I am…

-          “HERE, HERE! Leave me alone!...

-          “…A phantomrider, always die on their own”

My eyes always get wet with this song.

-          Sorry honey. I messed it up. I promise I’ll shush my mouth the next time.

-          Are you crying liebe?

-          It’s nothing. It’s just that every time I listen to Tokio Hotel’s songs like Phantomrider or World Behind My Wall or Don’t Jump or others, my eyes get wet. I feel like you’re talking to me, I feel like you made these songs to me. And that means a lot!

-          Oh!

His smile is so cute!

-          GOSH! I’m tired!

-          We are here.

I dried my eyes and entered home. Bill turned on the lights and I asked:

-          I’m going to take a bath liebe. Where do I shower?

-          Come with me…This is your room, there’s a bathroom inside you can use, I also bought you some stuff to make this room more like you, hope you like it!

-          YOU BOUGHT STUFF?! BILL!! It was OK for me to sleep on the couch! You shouldn’t have to do all this for just one night!

He tried to hold a laugh. I think he is hiding something more…

-          I’m sorry! I can’t and WON’T return all this stuff so I hope you enjoy it!

-          Of course I will! I would enjoy to sleep on the floor if I had to! XD!!

-          Well, you don’t need to!

He opened the door and it was…it was… IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!! The walls, the paints, the desk and…OMG! A COUPLE’S BED??

-          A couple’s bed, Bill?

-          I wanted you to be as comfortable as you could!

-          Thank you honey, but it’s just for a night!

He hold a laugh again…Yeah, definitely, he was hiding something!

-          So, enjoy your night!

-          Thanks liebe! I’ll get my backpack and take a bath…Come on in.

I picked my stuff and went to the bathroom, IT WAS GORGEOUS AS WELL! Light colors on the walls and beautifully decorated.

I took my bath and put my pajamas – and by pajamas I mean a SUPER BIG shirt, like the ones that Tom used to wear and a pair of shorts. –

Bill was sat on the bed when I came out.

-          See? Told you, you look pretty even with a shirt that Tom uses! ¬¬’

I gave him a smile.

-          Thank you honey!

-          Do you want me to sing a song for you?

-          Don’t you mind?

-          No liebe, I don’t.

I put my head on his lap and he started singing World Behind My Wall and playing with my hair.

-          Bill, you rock, you know that?

He gets so cute when he smiles while he sings! He finished the song and said:

-          Liebe, could you stop calling me Bill? It sounds weird, I call you liebe, and you call Tom sweetheart and Gustav dear…

-          Hey! I call you honey all the time! Don’t be jealous, baby! Liebe is the same as Love in English, right? So I’ll call you love, from now on…And if you hear me calling you Bill again, it’s because you’re in trouble!

-          HAHAHA! The same works for you.

-          Love you…

-          Love you too, honey! Oops..Love!

He smiled at me. We were too close. OMG, what was happening?

I lied down again and he started singing again. Before I realized it I slept on his lap.

I woke up the next day with Bill knocking on my door.

-          Hey liebe, let’s go. It’s time to get up! We have to go…

-          Hum? What? Come in…

-          Good morning…;D

-          I wanna sleep!!!

He came to my bed and messed my hair…

-          Let’s go liebe! We have a plane to catch. You can sleep on the plane. But now it’s time to dress up, unless you want to get on the plane like you are now…

Before he finished I got up and was heading straight to the bathroom!

-          Did you sleep here? The last thing I remember was you singing to me…

-          Yes, I fell asleep while I was singing. Georg saw the open door and woke me up…

-          HAHA! I bet he thought tons of things!

-          Yeah, and he isn’t done with the jokes…

-          ¬¬’!

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and Bill told me he would take something to eat. I thought about everything that happened to me lately. Meeting Tom Kaulitz on a concert, Tom saving me from my punishment, becoming friend of all the four guys, go to the Kaulitz’s birthday…WAIT! OMG! I haven’t gave them their presents! When I came out Tom was waiting for me by my bed’s side.

-          So, did you like your room?

-          Yes, I did. And it’s your guest’s room, not mine!

-          Yes, it is. We are already doing another guest’s room!

-          YOU’RE WHAT?!

-          Baby, you’re one of us now… You need your place in the house!

-          Thanks honey.

I gave him a kiss when I realized I was still wearing the towel that I used to cover me in the bathroom… =S!

-          How was your night?

-          Delightful!  I enjoyed veeery much!

-          You did, huh? I can imagine your kind of fun…

-          HAHAHA! And how was your night? I heard you got drunk…

He gave me a severe look like who says “You can’t drink ‘till you get drunk!”

-          You heard…

-          Told you, you couldn’t drink too much!

-          Sorry sweetie, but it was THE party! I had to enjoy, and it’s not a party if you don’t have some drinks! And Bill was watching me.

-          Yeah, I also saw you and a guy “talking” next to the bathroom…

-          He was HOT! He hasn’t taken my number. You told me to be careful and I was. He gave me his number, though!

Thought I heard Tom whispering something about “Told them to don’t mess up with her…¬¬’”

I got in the bathroom again to dress up. I’ve put my best pair of jeans, my black boots and a shirt I bought recently when I was shopping with Bill.

-          Tom, could you get Bill in here?

-          Bill? Why not me?

-          Unless you know how to teach me to do his makeup you…

Before I knew Tom was screaming to Bill to come over.

-          Hey liebe. What do you need?

-          I need you to teach me how to do your makeup. I can do a slight one, but I’d like to learn yours.

-          Sure. What do you have here?

He looked down and saw the mess it was. I had all kinds of makeup things. At least, I thought I had…He left and came back with some things of his own stuff and he started teaching me, when he finished it looked amazing! All I had to do was putting on my lip gloss and…


He gave me one of his biggest smiles that I love so much!

-          Where is Tom? I wanna give him his birthday present. And for you…

-          You bought me something? What is it?

-          Open it and see by yourself.


-          Yeah. And the best part it’s that it is synthetic leather! Did you like it?

-          I loved it, liebe! It must’ve been expensive…

-          No problems! But now…TOOOOOOOOM! COME HERE!

-          Hey sweetie! What’s the problem? Bill, what you did to my girl?


-          HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

-          OH! Thank you honey!

-          Open it…

-          Is this a guitar? A personalized guitar?

-          Yep, it is!

-          I loved it baby! Where did you get money to buy this? Stole a bank?

-          Nope. You remember that part time job I took to save money and see you?

-          Yes.

-          Well, I was saving money. Now I need just a little more to buy the G’s present.

-          Look at the leather jacket she gave me!

YAY! They liked their presents! *-*

-          I think I’ll use it on the next tour.

-          The same for my new guitar.

-          Thank you, liebe!

-          Yeah honey!

-          You’re welcome guys. Can we go now? I still have to sleep!

-          Sure honey. Let’s go!

-          Wait someone is missing…

-          WHERE IS TWINSIS??

I took my phone and dialed twin’s number.


-          Hmm?What? OMG! THE TRAVEL!!

-          COME HERE, RIGHT NOW!

-          HEY! DON’T SCREAM TO ME! OUCH!..fucking headache…

-          If you don’t show up here in 10 minutes, I’ll at you LOUDER!

-          OK,OK, I’m coming! Bitch!

-          I heard that!

-          Whatever, wait for me…

-          You have ten minutes! Bye.

I turned off my phone and Tom asked:

-          Where is she?

-          On her way. We’re leaving whether she’s here or not. Where are the G’s?

-          Gustav is in the bathroom and Gustav is…

-          In the kitchen!

-          What? Plane’s food is awful!

-          He is right you know? I get sick every time I eat these kind of food.

-          Then I’ll do a snack for you too…

-          Thank you dear! Love you!

Someone rang the door’s bell.

-          For her own sickness it’s better be her…

-          Hey twin! How are you? Hey guys!

-          Where were you?! You know we’re late, don’t you?

-          Sorry sis, I was at this guy’s house and…

-          OK! You tell me later! Let’s go everybody!

All the four guys said at the same time:

-          FINALLY!

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