The Show Of My Life escrita por Mylla Noir

Capítulo 3
Capítulo 3

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

We left the house and the guys were still laughing, I laughed too. Sorry, Tom!

We were going home and Tom was laughing at me because I couldn’t  hit the rights drums notes.

-          C’mon in, Tom. I haven’t seen you eat today, grab a sit and I’ll make you a snack.

-          Where’s your mother? I’d like to ask her something.

-          Is it about me?

-          Of course it is!

-          So, you can ask me!

-          No, I rather don’t push your luck.

-          He is right, Mylla.

It’s the second time I hear Tom is right again today.

*Tom’s mind*

YAY! I’m right again!!

*Tom’s mind off*

-          Hey Mrs. How are you?

-          Fine, thanks. What would you like to ask?

-          Well Mrs., next week it’s  mine and Bill’s birthday. We are having a before party at a club and then, by the morning, we’ll go to an island that we rented for a weekend to enjoy our birthday.

*My mind*

YAY! Me and the guys celebrating the twins’ birthday! =)

*My mind off*

-          She would have to sleep there, right? Alone, with four guys?

*My mind*

My mom knows how many guys the band has?!!

*My mind off*

-          And Yasmim, Yasmim is going too.

*My mind*

I’m sure he just made that up right now

*My mind off*

-          If you are taking Yasmim, I think its ok. I mean, at least it’ll be one more girl. They’ll have their own room, won’t they?

-          Of course they will!

-          Ok, so, have fun you guys. See you next week. Don’t be late, you have school and homework to do, take it with you!

*My mind*

Gosh! My mother really knows how to spoil a good time!

*My mind off*

Then mom left, and I was alone with Tom in the living room. I gave him his snack, and asked:

-          You just came out with twinsis idea, didn’t you?

-          Thank you for the snack, it’s delicious! And yes, I just came out with that idea.

-          And the separated room, right?

-          Yep! I thought your mother trusted me!!

-          Just because she likes you, it doesn’t mean she trusts you. I think she doesn’t even trust herself!

I gave him a smile.

-          What are you doing about twin?

-          Invite her of course! You could talk to her instead of me, couldn’t you?

-          Good. I’ll own her again. - ¬¬’- Whatever, if it’s for me to go to an island with my favorite band, I do it.

-          Love you, sweetie!

-          Yeah, tell me something I don’t know!

So, he gave me a kiss, – on my cheeks – a hug and a good night.

-          I’ll call her ok? Don’t worry, she’ll say yes. Talk to you tomorrow, ok?

-          Ok, honey. See you at school.

-          Sure. Bye, Tom

-          Bye.

I own twinsis again. I got my cell phone and dialed the number.

-          Hello? Hey twin, I need one more favor.

-          You know twin, I already want to say no, but I’ll listen first and deny later…

-          You suck, you know?

-          You know that’s not the right way to ask something to someone, right?

-          Ok! Sorry…

Jeez! She is annoying!!!

-          What is it?

-          Tom wanted me to ask you if you would like to celebrate his and Bill’s birthday with us in an island this weekend, so I can go too.

-          Why?

-          He asked mom and she asked him if you were going, then he said yes.

-          Oooops…

-          Will you go or not?

-          I don’t know…

Die motherfucker, DIIE!!

-          Please twin! Tom will be there, in an island!

-          Ok, now I’m tempted.

-          BAKA1! You know you’ll go, couldn’t you just say yes?

1.  Baka means idiot in Japanese.

-          No, torturing you is pretty fun!

-          I don’t think so!

-          Ok, I’ll go, but you own me one more!

Knew it…

-          But it’s a vacati…

-          I don’t care! You own me one more!

-          Ok, ok!

-          When are we going?

-          Next week.

-          Ok, bye honey!

-          STOP DOING THAT!!

Then I turned my cell phone off. Twinsis is pretty annoying sometimes!

She keeps calling me honey because Tom does it. Yes, she is making fun of me. Yes, she does it when Tom is around. Yes, he told her he is the only one who calls me that way. And of course, she bothers me even more because of that!

Before I go to bed I texted Tom saying “sleep tight”, like I do or he does every night. Sometimes when he is “busy” – yes, by “busy” I mean with a girl. – Bill answers me and we chat a little. This time it was Bill who texted me back.

-          Good night, honey!

-          Hey, Mylla. How are you? It’s Bill. Tom is , hummm, busy I guess.

-          Hu-h, got it. Is the same girl he told me two nights ago?

-          What do you think?

-          Noope!

-          Yeah, you’re right! Are you coming with us next week?

-          Sure. I wouldn’t miss it! I’d lie to my mom again if I had to.

-          Don’t you do that! I asked Tom to ask your mom, he said he already asked, but wasn’t sure if you were going.

-          Yeah, he asked my mom tonight… And I think he said that he wasn’t sure because of twinsis. If I wanna go she also has to come.

-          Will you come to the party after the travel?

-          Sure!! DRINKS!

-          ¬¬’. You’re spending too much time with my brother! By the way, why he is the only one who gets a “sleep tight” ??

-          Are you jealous, Bill?? HAHAHAHA!! Honey, I don’t have your number!

-          Honey?! Yes, definitely too much time! Here is my number… I’ll pick you up someday instead of Tom, so you can spend some time with me too!

-          Sure, whenever you want!

-          What about tomorrow?

-          Sure, ask Tom.

-          Ok, see you tomorrow then. Mylla?

-          Yes?

-          Are you sure there’s nothing between you and Tom?


-          You two are too close!!

-          He and twinsis are my best’s friends. He is always with other girls, and tells me about them, I don’t think this is something you tell your girlfriend! And I hang out with lots of boyfriends…specially Adam, I think he has a crush on me!

-          Adam, huh? Does Tom know about that?

-          No, I’m still trying to figure out if he really meant he would tell my mother!!

-          I’m sure he would! He cares about you, and he doesn’t care for many people…Hey, when I pick you up tomorrow, can I meet this Adam?

-          I think so…

-          And if he does anything with you, he’ll regret it! We are four and he is only one…

-          And half school that would freak out if they see any of you four. Besides that, everybody would be mad at me ‘cuz they don’t know that I know you. And believe me, there’s tons of girls – and boys – that would freak out!

-          That’s true. Are you two dating?

-          Nooo! He is just my friend, you know, I have lots of “friends” at my school..;)

-          Ok. Now no more Tom for you!!

-          Don’t do that!!

-          See you tomorrow?

-          Yes, hon…oops!

-          J

-          And Bill?

-          What?

-          Sleep Tight.

-          You too, Mylla.

Then I went to bed, I was pretty tired!! I slept really fast…

I wake up the next morning with alarm clock playing “Automatic”.

What?? It’s morning already? Unbelievable!!

I got dressed for school, ate my breakfast and entered the Kaulitz’s car.

-          Hi B… Tom! Hey Bill!!

Bill looked at me like who says “I’m sorry”

-          Hey, Mylla…

Mylla??! Oh-oh!

-          Adam, huh??


-          Tom, hon! He is a friend! Don’t worry about him.

-          What about the other “friends” you have???


-          Tom!! Calm down, right now! I have plenty of friends who are guys and yes, some of them are crushes! But, didn’t we meet because you had a “crush” on me? – No, we didn’t, he just wanted me in his bedroom..¬¬’ - .

-          Ok baby, I’ll believe you! Just be careful, ok? Don’t want jerks around you!

-          I know honey! This situation here, never happened!

-          So, are you going with us?

-          Of course I am… - you should’ve know about that since you read the texting messages!.

Then we arrived at school and I gave Tom a kiss and a “see you later”. Bill looked at me again with his beautiful eyes and I couldn’t leave without giving him a kiss and a “see you later too”.

The day at school was long! I was excited to go to the boys’ party! I would sleep at their place for the first time since we met. We would get the plane on Saturday morning.

I was talking to twinsis when the school alarm rang announcing that it was lunch time. Adam was waiting for me outside the class.

-          Hey Mylla, Yasmim…Let’s go?

-          Sure

-          Yeah. I’m hungry!

On the way to the lunch place we were talking.

-          Mylla, are you busy this weekend?

-          Sorry, honey – GOSH! I am calling everybody honey!! – I already have plans for this weekend. Twinsis also.

-          Have I?

-          TWIN!! YES, you have!! You know what it is…and you’ll go!!

-          Ok, ok…just messing around! Save my sit, Brad is calling me…

-          Brad, huh! HAHAHAHAHA

-          Shut up!!

-          So, what you’re doing this weekend?

-          I’m going out with some friends…Sleepover birthday party.

-          I wanted to talk to you about something…

-          What is it?

-          Would you like to be my girlfriend?


-          I don’t know...

-          Think about it, give me a answer tomorrow, ok?

He left and when that happened he gave me a kiss…OMG!! What will I do??

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