The Show Of My Life escrita por Mylla Noir

Capítulo 2
Capítulo 2

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

*In the car*

-          Why do you call her twinsis?

-          We are very similar about almost everything, if you waste 10 minutes of your time around us, you’ll understand.

-          We’ll do that someday.

Isn’t he cute?! =]

-          So, what happened to the girl last night?

-          Told you..I was tired…

-          C’mon, Tom! You know it isn’t true!!

*Tom’s mind*

How does she know that???

*Tom’s mind off*

-          Well, after I drove you home, I thought about coming back to the pub, but on the way I realized I wasn’t in the mood for sex anymore.

What?! Tom wasn’t in the mood for sex?..That’s definitely something you don’t hear every day. And it’s not what he tried with me at the pub…¬¬’!

-          I think she got disappointed.

-          Whatever…I went home and slept. It’s not so hard for me to do it, give me 3 minutes on a bed and all you hear is the noise I make sleeping!

-          HAHAHA! Ok, now we’re here. Wish me luck!

-          What are you saying? I’m coming with you.

-          You also want to die? Because it’s that what will happen if you enter that house! My mother will kill you too!! – why do you think twinsis is not here??-

-          No, she won’t kill me. And she won’t kill you, ‘cuz I won’t let her do it!

I unlocked the door and got in the house with Tom right behind me.

-          Mom! I’m home..

-          W-H-E-R-E  W-E-R-E  Y-O-U??

She said that so calmly, and that voice just got me even frightened! Gosh…I was in true danger!

-          Ok. Got it. We need to talk.

-          Do you think so?? WHAT THE HELL YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE DOING GOING TO THAT FREAKING SHOW?? I said that you couldn’t go and you went anyway!

-          MOM!! Please, you said I could go if I had the money for the tickets and got someone to go with me! I took that freaking part time job to save the money one year ago and twin was there with me!!

-          YOUR. ROOM. NOW!!

-          But, m..

-          NOW!!

I went to my room and Tom (tried to) followed me, but then my mom saw him.

-          Who the hell are you??

Tears were on my cheeks when I answered.

-          He is Tokio Hotel’s guitar player. Bill’s twin brother. And he was with me all the time after the show.

-          WHAT?!

-          Mom!! He wasn’t in bed with me, if that’s what you’re thinking! – now I wish he was. – He drove me to twin’s house and got me here today.

-          You’re on a punishment from now on. That means, no friends until I say you can see them again! And you better listen to me this time or it’ll be worse!

-          I’ll take him to his car, be back soon. Let’s go Tom.

I was crying when I reached the car. Tom was right by my side.

-          Hey, sweetheart! Don’t cry, she was worried about you!

-          I know, I know. But she doesn’t understand!! Tokio Hotel is important for me. I killed my ass in that part time job to see you at the show and after all she still said no! Then I met you and now you have to go – now tears were on my face and they didn’t want to stop coming – I won’t see you again!

-          Of course you will. The humanoid tour is over and now we are recording a new album. You know Bill doesn’t like Media when we’re recording and you can spend some time with me and the guys at my house.

Yes, I think every single Alien in the world agrees with me when I say that, this part of their jobs is boring. Wait until the next album, so we can see them again is torture!

-          Really? – still crying- .

-          Sure, sweetheart! I’ll be back ok? See you at school tomorrow.

-          What?

-          Yeah, I’ll pick you every time I can ok? I call you if there’s any day I won’t pick you ok?

-          ??

-          I’ll meet you at school. Call me if you need alright? Don’t cry anymore, please. Here’s my number…

-          Tom, thank you for all that you’ve done for me these last days ok? I know you must have most important things to do – he cleaned a single tear out of my face - . Thank you.

-          Honey, spend time with my friends is important too. See you later, stop crying ok?

-          Bye, Tom.

-          Bye, honey.

Tom gave me a hug and a kiss on my forehead telling me that I would be ok. I entered the house again and walked straight to my bedroom. I wasn’t allowed to use my cell phone, laptop or talk to my friends, except at school, because there is nothing my mom can do about it to stop me to speak to my friends.

About two weeks later, behaving myself and doing whatever I was told to do – I hate when I have to do something I don’t want to and I can’t say a word! – I could go to twinsis’ place for studying. Tom was there at school – inside the car, of course – almost every day to pick me. We went to twinsis’ house and he was being very helpful – who would imagine that?. – Of course he couldn’t be there every day for me, ‘cuz he had a life and responsibilities. He was there for me if I needed him, though.

Then after a month, I could get people to come over my place – and by people I mean, Tom and twin. - .

I think mom likes Tom. After three months talking to her, Tom convinced her to get me out of my punishment!! LOVE YOU TOM! YOU KNOW THAT, RIGHT?

-          How did you do that?

-          What?

-          Get me out of my punishment?

-          I told her I would be around you everywhere you go. And now I have a surprise for you.

We stopped in front of a beautiful house. It wasn’t big, but it wasn’t small at the same time.

-          Where are we?

-          It’s a surprise. Now close your eyes.

I closed my eyes and he put his hands down on my back and walked with me into the house.

-          Can I open my eyes now?

-          Yes! Welcome. Come on in.

-          Wh…?! Is this your place?

-          Yes, it is!

When I turned to see the living room I saw Bill on the couch in front of the TV, Georg was on a very comfortable chair and Gustav was having a snack.

If I freaked out when I saw Tom after the show, you can imagine me now, looking at the four guys right in front of me. - OMG! TOM!! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?? -  

When I looked at him he was trying to hide a laugh. He was trying really hard to hold it, so he coffed a little. He didn’t make it! Everybody knew he was laughing…¬¬’.

-          Mylla, this is Bill, Georg and Gust…eating again??

The boys said “heys or hellos” when Tom mentioned their names. – I was in my personal piece of heaven! - .

-          Hey! I gotta feed myself. And who are you to talk about me? You’re always sleeping!

-          Whatever, Bill, Georg, Gustav, this is Mylla. Sit here sweetheart!

Tom needed a nickname to call me, ‘cuz he thought Mylla was too formal. Got it? No? Neither I did, ‘cuz Mylla is already my nickname! Anyways, now he is used to call me honey or sweetheart…¬¬’. One day after school we were talking about something I can’t remember now and he said he has to take care of me, he also said if he found out I was dating, he would tell my mother. I think he is kidding – I HOPE he is!!. – Then Bill said:

-          So, you’re the girl Tom is dating? Three months, huhn?! That’s a big deal!

I looked at Tom and he looked at me and we both exploded!



-          What?!? Me and Tom?...Together?? HAHAHAHAHA!

-          What?! You’re hilarious, Bill!

Everybody looked at us like we were the crazy ones!

-          We’re not dating guys! Tom is like one of bests friends!!

-          But didn’t you told me you tried...

-          Yeah, I said no. And nothing ever happened after that. I mean, sometimes he does something like that to me, but I know he is just kidding! We’ve became friends at the show you did three months ago, remember? By the way, it was AWESOME!

-          Is it true you lied to your mother to go to that show?

-          Yes. And I have no regrets about that. It definitely worth the punishment!

Tom gave me a look like who says “Are you ok?”. I just smiled and he got the “yes”.

-          So, when did you got punish free?

-          Today… =]!

-          Yeah, I wanted to surprise her, so I brought her here. You don’t mind right, bro?

-          No, actually see her face when she saw us was funny!

*Bill’s mind*

Hilarious actually!!

*Bill’s mind off*

I got really blushed and I tried to hide behind my hands.

-          Look what you did, Bill!! She is embarrassed now.

Tom gave Bill a look like who says “Yes, it was…HAHAHA”.

-          I’m sorry. Didn’t want to make you blush.

Then he gave me a hug. Why did he do that? I got EVEN blushed if that’s possible! Tom came by my side and said:

-          Don’t get embarrassed, baby. Bill is an idiot!

-          HEY!!

-          Ok, now  you sit here next to me, ‘cuz they’ll start again.

-          Wh…?

Georg pulled me closer to him, because Bill and Tom started teasing each other – and by teasing I mean fighting – and that – Georg’s words – was dangerous.

The two Kaulitz started up a fight on the couch. Georg told me to ignore them, so he started talking to me and Gustav – who had his mouth full of food. –

-          It’s you who Tom is going to see almost every day at school?

-          I guess so. J

-          Tom is right…

-          About?

-          Never mind!

I think Tom gave Georg a “I’m going to kill you if you tell her I said something like that” look.

-          What?

Georg asked me something else and I haven’t the chance to insist on that question.

-          Why did you lie to your mother?

-          Well, she told me I could go if I got the money and someone to go with me. I did all she told me to do and she still said no, so I had to lie to her and I told her I was in a sleepover party.

Don’t you ever, ever do that to your mother! I thought I was going to die! Coldness and ignorance are the worst thing ever!!!

-          Did you at least enjoyed the show?

-          What?? The best ever! And it’s nothing because you’re my favorite band in the world! – Yes, it is because you’re my favorite band! -.

Then, Bill, Georg and Gustav said something Tom already knew all together:

-          We are your favorite band??

-          Yes, you are!!

Bill and Tom stopped. Thanks God! They looked like two children fighting for a candy!

It was the best time ever! Gust and Tom were playing Guitar Band. Gust was winning and Tom was getting mad. Of course I couldn’t beat Gustav on the drums, I have no rhythm. I was better on the guitar. I couldn’t beat Tom, though. I never tried the vocals, I am not crazy enough to try, I mean, Bill was there and I can’t sing AT ALL!!

-          Honey?

-          Yes?

-          It’s time for you to go home, it’s getting late and you just got out of your punishment. Better don’t abuse it.

-          Yeah, you’re right. Let me call a ca…

-          I’ll drive you! Gosh, sometimes you’re really annoying with that thing you have about don’t bother me…I like being bothered by you, I think I could be your personal dri…

-          Don’t you dare to finish this sentence!

-          Hey, wait! You just said Tom is right? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Guys, heard that? I think I never heard someone saying Tom + right without “not” in the middle. HAHAHA!

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