Draconia's Tale Perya: Goku's twin sister escrita por TMotaFanfic

Capítulo 8
The Stone Serpent

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Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction: plusfiction.com/book/802158/chapter/8

 From under their feet, a huge stone snake emerged from under the ground, Perya and Haku were extremely scared by the size of the snake that seemed to be about 20 meters tall, they both wonder where Serena and Asami are since they don't. they found nowhere, and it was at that very moment that they realized that their energies were coming from inside the serpent, and they would have to get them out of there as quickly as possible.

    Afraid that they won't be able to save them in time, Perya uses her fire gloves and goes up with everything she had to defeat the monster, so she flies off and starts firing several energy blasts to distract the monster. and see if she can find some kind of weak point, but nothing worked, meanwhile she was standing looking around looking like she was looking for something, and when she finally stopped looking she focused her aim on what seemed to be the direction of Perya, however when she was actually behind the Earth elemental sphere, and then the serpent shoots at high speed towards the sphere and they had to catch her and run away with her to another place so the serpent wouldn't catch her, tried attacking her with maximum strength still didn't work as her carapace was very resistant, so she decides to use her most powerful technique at full strength, so she concentrates and starts channeling her energy to be able to shoot the Roar of the Fire Dragon God at full strength, as she was stronger than last time, this blow was much more powerful than before, and because of her training this Roar didn't leave her without strength once her control on her own energy was much bigger, so she could still fight even after, but even with her strongest attack nothing happened to the snake, it seemed that she was indestructible because everything that was thrown against her had no effect, and from suddenly she starts to feel that her friends' energy was starting to diminish, and then she decides that she can't stand still anymore just running away and she gets really furious and with that her powers start to increase and she goes on top of the snake with everything again , Haku tries to stop her but she was too fast, she went upstairs with a lot of anger seeming like she couldn't even think straight, but she actually already had a plan in mind, she intended to regain her friends and defeat the creature. She goes from the inside out, so she forces the snake to open her wide enough so that she can enter and save her friends. She manages to get to where her friends are and she sees them unconscious and almost out of energy, she decides to release all her energy at once so that the creature might explode from the inside out, which luckily works out and the snake is pushed with so much energy from the inside out that it is blasted into several pieces.

    After taking her friends out of the creature, she tries to use her new healing ability on her friends, after a while she manages to make Serena and she asks what happened to make them wake up right on the surface, Perya asks what it was the last thing she remembered, she said she remembered being in a cave with Asami exploring to find out a little more about Draconia, and after that if she doesn't remember anything else, she then tries to heal Asami to see what she remembered, but something strange was happening, as much as she healed her she didn't wake up, she used more and more energy, but it was no use, she asks Haku for help so he could help her, and then he starts to lend her powers so that her healing ability is more efficient, it's so much energy that her wounds heal immediately and she starts to show some reaction, but she still doesn't wake up, so he decides to stop and tell Perya that it was too late. more, and there was nothing more that could be done, she doesn't listen and keeps trying, the others start trying to stop her, but she doesn't stop for anything, and unlike the others she wouldn't abandon her and so push more energy still, and then a strange thing appears on Perya's shoulder, it was like a mark with a dragon's face, and then her fire suddenly turned green, and she woke up immediately. After waking up she sees that everyone around her was crying and she asks what had happened, and then Perya hugs her very tightly because she was afraid of having lost her friend, after that her dragon mark disappeared and she just went off and as soon as that happened, a dark elf appeared and stole the Earth sphere, but before they could do anything he had already fled with the sphere and it was no longer possible to reach him, soon after that the King and Queen arrived at the place of training to see what had happened, after a few hours Perya fully recovers, after she woke up Serena tells about everything she discovered in the cave during her exploration, she is surprised to find that she was part of a legend and that she never knew of any legends about anyone coming from the skies, and that her parents hadn't told her anything, and that it was the first time she had heard something like that, because the Earth sphere was stolen, the kings would need to use their own powers to provide what she previously provided for the realm, and asks Haku to accompany them on their journey, they ask what their next destination would be and they reply that it was Skyus the realm of the celestial elves to learn the technique of thunder speed, then with Asami, Serena and Haku in his group, Perya sets off towards the kingdom of heaven, and journey continues.



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