Vamos falar de amor? escrita por Hirobelana

Capítulo 3
1? (Number one)

Este capítulo também está disponível no +Fiction:

Let's talk about love?

Let's talk about Seokjin.

Jin, a stone collected for analysis and observation for including certain details that draw a lot of attention.

A peculiar attention that drew attention to the glimpse of a blink, a different brightness, an unknown existence and unexplored by the other.

But that for some reason I couldn't let go of my vision for his direction.

Driven, I've begun thorough investigations to unravel you and get to know you better. Consciously and plausibly justifying what exactly had attracted my attention to you.

What exactly had captured my interest in knowing, knowing more in depth what you were, your essence. The specific point that had shaped him.

And between everything, or so many specific places that you could have arisen, if formed. You were right in an environment that could have structured you, shaped like so many other stones that were around you.

Surrounded by all the places around him, managing to stand out and shine, even if everything screamed that all that was the same, in perfect combination and harmony.

Your brilliance expressed vehement ly in protest that there was something different about you.

A glow that wanted to scream and run towards the contrary for everything and everyone who wanted to shape you according to shape, essence and meaning they wanted to establish for you.

But contrary to the desires, will and power they considered to have in you, their brilliance intensified so that they could no longer have the power to silence you, to silence you.

Define your existence, your purpose, your wills, your desires.

Now no one could hide you, isolating and denying your existence.

Between puns. Fractures.

A brilliant and unforgettable gem that captured my attention and my heart.

To the point of being possible only with a slight smile, make me smile instantly.

Know. Recognized now by all with so much love, that even among a thousand, thousands of people.

Take into account my feelings, my opinions and wish with all your heart to make it worthwhile for choosing you.

By not ignoring their existence, his effort not to be swallowed up by the crowd. The glow that existed from the inside out of you.

Like you're existing because you're waiting for me, and for the love you'd give him.

Hoping I'd never forget you, and how I could, I could forget.

Of my love, Seokjin.



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